Bono Fido Pet Exercise Play Pen for Dogs (8 panel) - 91cm High

List Price: $149.95
SKU: BF201

The Bono Fido Exercise/Play Pen for Dogs is a simple fold out pen erected in seconds


  • Great for backyards, parks, playground, indoors; in fact just about anywhere.
  • Gives your puppy or small dog a safe place to play while providing a sturdy barrier on your lawn or in your home.
  • Sets up easily into a variety of shapes & adjusts to fit the location.
  • No tools required for set up.
  • Light & Easy to carry.
  • Made from heavy guage corrosion resistant gold zinc coated wire.
  • Folds flat for convenient storage.
  • Can be combined with kennel or wire crate.
  • Available in different heights to match the height of your dog.
Price: $129.95
Weight: 18 kg